What is difference between psychic emergence and psychic transformation? What is the steps or process after psychic emergence towards the transformation?

Psychic emergence lights up the flame of Godward aspiration. As it emerges more and more the different parts of nature begin to aspire, – the mind for true Knowledge, the heart awakens to love for the Divine, life seeks to serve the Divine and the body wants to become an instrument and channel for the Divine Work. Later this aspiration grows further as one grows in the Yoga. The main role of the psychic is to turn us and all the different parts of our nature towards the Divine, to open them towards the Divine Light and Truth and Beauty and Harmony and Love. 

Psychic and spiritual transformation are the result of this growing aspiration. The higher spiritual and Divine Consciousness begins to transform our natural instruments into a higher mode of functioning. The mind begins to change into a wide and luminous channel for the Divine Truth to express through thought and speech. The heart becomes a vessel of pure universal love, life begins to respond to the Divine Will, the body begins to receive and mirror God’s Peace and Joy and grows in health and strength. 


Alok Da

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