Life Problems And Psychological Difficulties

Alok da , I am always confused and indecisivešŸ«£.. this led me to always having big dreams and achieving nothing nor effectively studying since I was 12 and I’m close to 30. I give up like anything. Either I don’t like this or that about this job or that job or this exam or that exam or I’m scared of job profile as a girl or it’s in my state and I want to explore and it’s the same in all aspects of my life. And I never give 100% effort. I feel like I will end up a loser if this keeps going and after all this thinking I again end up watching random web series. The only good thing in life is the 10-20 minutes I spend talking to image of Ma and Aurobindo in the book. But by making mistakes which I know are mistakes, Isn’t that just pushing me more into darkness? Am I rushing or hurrying too much? It’s like I’m sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of old habits and I don’t know where and what to conquer and stick to it. I’ve watched everything all cures but do nothing for long. Then a thought comes why am I worrying about all this when it’s all god’s plan and then again fall into the cycle in a day or two. I don’t understand anything. You’ll guide me and I’ll not even follow that for more than three days. Can I possibly do anything to grow and rise to a balanced living?

I have a simple suggestions for you.
Sit quietly for 10 min everyday and think about the purpose of your life.

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My in-laws have belief that I should not keep pictures of my deceased parents as my Whatsapp dp or as wallpaper. I am not sure about this belief, mean while I searched online and found a video of one baba saying about it hinders the soul passing away . I have kept my father childhood picture as my Whatsapp dp ā€¦will it hinder his soul or energy to go peacefully. What about all those pictures of late president and Gandhi Jj and prime ministers who are hanged in government offices and places of work. Are they all realised soul? I read we should keep pics of realized soul . This question might be feel stupid but I donā€™t know whom to ask šŸ˜Ŗ. I am still attached to my father so I feel like keeping his pictures. Whatā€™s your opinion on this? Kindly help.

What hinders the smooth transition is attachment, grief, crying etc. Deep affection, love, wish and prayer to have a safe journey are helpful. Of course

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I am suffering from neuropathy and it is very trying and I need to know why and how I can get better and be completely free from it? Have tried many therapies including Acupuncture and now reflexology! It is better but there is constriction in the feet and pins and needles in the feet and sometimes hands also. Please please help mešŸ™ Ā  Ā  Ā 

Nerves require peace and rest to heal. You should call peace constantly in the system. Use a mantra that gives you the sense of peace

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What steps can I take daily to increase my love for Krishna? I do 2 japa a day and some bhajan and read books of Sri Aurobindo and Maa. Apart from that my whole day is a day of indulgences which take me towards darkness. I can never keep habits for long. Do I don’t want to change bad enough that I’m not changing. Regret and lamentšŸ«£ is all that I do after hasty decisions

First thing is to cut out regret and lament. That only saps energy and makes us feel increasingly underconfident and eventually give up effort.

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In certain people, especially in conditions labelled as ADHD or Tourette’s, there are frequent actions, impulsive words, random outbreaks of excitement and hyperactivity. In some cases, it visibly appears as if the person has no control, and it is like a pressure cooker which just has to burst. They themselves are shocked at the words which they spoke, actions etc. Why does this happen? To me, it seems like overactivity and uncontrolled vital impulse. But science accredits to involuntary and ‘uncontrollable’ movements and treats with medication. How do these two concepts collide, and how does one control it šŸ˜ž?

Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome are labels that highlight our ignorance by defining them. The cause of these rather modern diseases is not clearly known. It

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I don’t know what should I do because these two thought of (1) “Aspiring for a full & fulfilling life so that I feel full and am truly open to give my attention and energy and true care to others – work towards this aspiration keeping it as a goal” and (2) “Accept current life as is and see the fullness in it” feel contradictory. Could you please help integrate this contradictionšŸ¤Ø?

Individual progress, in whatever direction, often comes at the expense of the shared social life around us unless those closely connected also have the same

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Mother writes in her essay ‘To Know How to SufferšŸ˜µ’: “Each time we feel that our heart is breaking, a deeper door opens within us, revealing new horizons, ever richer in hidden treasures, whose golden influx brings once more a new and intenser life to the organism on the brink of destruction”. Is this new life after suffering given only to those who call upon the Divine or to everyone? Because some seem to be consumed by suffering that they rarely come out of it well.

Suffering is a common experience of humanity but it’s degree, nature, impact and consequences differ. It is easy to see that the root cause of

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How do I get rid of jealousyšŸ¤¢, itā€™s a really big problem for me. But I donā€™t want it. I tried searching through Motherā€™s works but canā€™t seem to find anything major. I know I should keep offering, but what effort am I to put in from my part ? When it comes itā€™s so overwhelming and no matter how much I try to step back, fight it with reason or simply reject it, itā€™s not working. I find myself comparing myself constantly, wanting what others have, even though I hate the thoughts. As far as I can remember, since I was a child this has been a problem for me and itā€™s grappling.

Jealousy comes due to a feeling of inadequacy within oneself. As a result we keep comparing ourselves with others with the attendant results of ambition,

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We have been married since few years, we cannot conceive naturally and now we feel the pressurešŸ˜„ of having a child socially, itā€™s like I donā€™t feel like going out or meeting people as all we hear is when are we hearing good news or itā€™s high time that you plan a child, and to add to all this everyone around us are having children, how to handle this situation?

The first thing required is to be clear as to what both of you want. I suppose both of you also want a child but

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I feel suffocatedšŸ˜– in crowded places, especially when there’s loud music and constant chatter. I find it hard to speak up in those situations, and organizing or participating in events isn’t really my strength. People often assume I’m dumb because I stay quiet. Is this a bad quality? I prefer spending my time reading books of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, listening to your talks, and talking to people who are connected to Maa. Iā€™m unsure how to handle this because I work in an IT company, and this environment feels out of sync with who I am.

You are like the swan in the company of kingfishers. Don’t try to be like them. Instead walk with your head held high towards high

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