Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

Why does a squirrel have 3 lines on the back some people tell that Rama has put 3 fingers is that true?
The story is symbolic of how we can receive the touch of God and

How can I control my anger ?
By staying busy, doing lot of exercises, listening to soft music, regular practice of asanas and deep breathing exercises.
Of course

Why do people make us feel what we think is impossible?
Whatever has come within the range of human thought and feelings, whatever has entered the realm of human imagination, whatever has taken hold of human

I did not understand the difference between the central being and psychic being. The psychic being is the soul which we need to realise. Right? Then what is the central being?
The psychic being is the fully developed soul within man. The soul develops through the cycle of birth and death and rebirth just as a

How can I shield my child from negative influences at school and elsewhere, given that I can’t always be present?
It is not easy to shield the child but what we can and must always do is to equip the child to deal with them.

How can i be happy?
Our natural state should be that of happiness.
But as we grow the spontaneous happiness of a child gets covered due to the social

How to deal with not so useful thought that something could go wrong?
By giving a counter suggestion that nothing will go wrong and repeating to yourself an inspiring phrase such as ‘all will be well’ or a

As a mother, how do I manage to not pass my fears and inhibitions to my child?
By conquering your own fears.
This can be done by several means.
Simplest and most powerful of all is a

When I am out with my friends, eating, drinking dancing, travelling, I feel happy but the days I am home alone nothing to do I feel low and don’t feel like getting up. Why this happens?
Partying, drinking, socializing are ways people try to forget their loneliness. But as is evident these things are not only harmful but counterproductive in the

I feel everyone is judging me all the time, how to get over this feeling?
Don’t pay attention to what people think or say to you. Pay attention only to what

My question is I can’t sit down in front of The Mother’s photo and do prayer. But in the morning only one time I pray her to stay with at each moment with me. How can I increase my concentration to The Mother?
Concentration upon the Mother’s photographs and praying to Her is one powerful way to connect. But a prayerful attitude can be kept whole day by

How can I be a good mom?
To be a good mom is at once simple and natural as well as difficult.
It is easy because Nature has given to all

Who can we call smart? a) good marks, b) money or c) who is open to the Divine?
Getting good marks, earning lots of money, being materially successful simply means that one has been endowed with a certain kind of intelligence. But the

The way of having fun for children has changed now they like video game arcades, loud music violent movies, insta reels, etc. How to bring back the simpler times and have them understand simpler joys of life?
Here it is the parents to be blamed who themselves engage in the very same things. They are busy earning money and have little time

I feel I am the most unlucky person in the world and only my life is so problematic. Everyone around me are happy and things go well for them, why for me there is so much difficulty?
Life poses problems for everyone, only the nature of the problem and its degree differs. But if we look deeply

My son just does not listen to anyone. I am thinking of sending him to a hostel, that would only set him straight, is there any other option?
There are few advantages in a hostel such as enforced discipline. It also helps if there is constant fight in the house and the general

My father is very controlling. He has a habit of making decisions for us. I am 30 and I do not know how to say no to him or tell him to mind his own business?
There is no how to saying it. It has to be said and if one cannot say it then one

When my son was younger, if I scolded he would listen then after sometime scolding did not work. Then I would give him a slap or two now he has become so stubborn that a good beating also does not work. I don’t know how to discipline him now?
Hitting a child is an absolute No-no. It shows lack of control and hence children lose respect for their parents. It only instils fear and