Getting good marks, earning lots of money, being materially successful simply means that one has been endowed with a certain kind of intelligence.
But the real smartness lies in how we use the success, the achievements, the wealth and the Intelligence. Most use it for temporary and transient gains, to satisfy certain desires. These things naturally do not last. They give us temporary satisfaction but long term addiction to a kind of life which becomes very limiting.
But the truly smart people invest what they have or earn in long term gains. They seek true love, lasting happiness, Wisdom and Peace and try to make this world a better place. Instead of selfishly using what they have they share it with others and hence by sharing and by right use they increase everything.
And isn’t using our intelligence and money for the Divine Work the best use for then it increases manifold and changes the very value and quality of our life and gives us a permanent dividend for good.
Alok da.