The psychic being is the fully developed soul within man. The soul develops through the cycle of birth and death and rebirth just as a seed buried in the soil grows through the changing seasons into a tree.
But this inevitable development of the seed into the tree it is meant to be, pushing itself through all the challenges, is because there is hidden within it a power of self determination that is like a secret will within it carrying the blueprint of its future. This hidden element is above evolution and hence above Time and Space and yet it secretly determines what the soul evolving into the psychic being will eventually manifest as its psychic personality. This element which pushes the soul from behind is the central being.
In other words the psychic being and the central being are two aspects of the individual jivatma. In the front it is the psychic behind facing the challenge of evolution. Behind it is the secret push of the central being that is itself beyond Time and Space but influences the soul’s evolution just as the director influences the actor from behind even though he himself does not enter the stage.
Alok da.