Ask Alok da

We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask. 

This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

Sometimes i feel a peace in my lower abdominal part but it is not everlasting a long time. Due to this reason the centeral pressure of my heart also not staying permanently which gives peace, wideness, bhakti and the feeling of fearless. Why this is happening? Is it any process of this yoga? But now when the difficulties arises then i have smiling in every situation. Every time i recite “All this is belongs to the Mother”, in this recitation i feel a strong obstacles arising but don’t affect the peace in the heart. Many types of difficulties coming but something in my sense feel that if the difficulties coming then it must be offered to the mother so that it will be solved. Have my experience is right? How to be totally get rid of this difficulties?

Difficulties are part of the journey and the work of the Yoga of transformation. It is a long process and one has to go through

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Sri Aurobindo writes in the life divine that Matter and Spirit are truly reconciled only in the cosmic consciousness. He explains why it is so: For in the cosmic consciousness Mind and Life are intermediaries and no longer, as they seem in the ordinary egoistic mentality, agents of separation, fomenters of an artificial quarrel between the positive and negative principles of the same unknowable Reality.(Ch. 4, Pg. 29) If Mind and Life are intermediaries in the cosmic consciousness, does that mean that philosophies like that of Advaita and Buddhism that deny the reality of Matter, are not seeing the Truth from cosmic consciousness? How come they are missing this truth of reconciliation?

Obviously they missed, in fact from the accounts available it is unlikely that they truly experienced the cosmic consciousness especially because their problem was the

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