When you aspire to dedicate yourself to the Divine Mother but find yourself drawn to material pursuits such as building a career, earning money, travelling, supporting and making your parents happy, it often feels like navigating two conflicting paths. How can one choose which direction to follow😬?

Choice has already been made by your soul. But nature, especially outer nature does not easily respond or follow upon this inner choice. It is so in everyone because we are all made up of different contradictory elements. Some parts such as the higher mind or deeper heart opens, others are closed, still others resist. One has to slowly tune these by putting gentle pressure of the will and persuading them to change as one would to children who refuse to listen or understand.

At the same time, one goes through the different life experiences such as earning money, traveling etc consciously offering them all to the Mother. One earns money but instead of throwing it away chasing cheap pleasures or only for satisfying the desires, learn to handle it wisely. Travel but let it be not just fun but joy and gaining knowledge and understanding of the world and people. In short do everything but with a changed attitude more in keeping with the inner aspiration. Keep an inner and outer balance with moderation as the watchword. As it is said, don’t stretch and pull the bow string so tight that it snaps nor leave it so loose that it is incapable of aiming the arrow. 


Alok Da

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