The Age of Justice precedes the Age of Truth, Shani is the shadow child of Soorya, Ravi. It is a kind of catharsis that we see this happening at the turn of every Age. We see today how the Imperialist nations of the past, Europe for example, is facing a pushback. So too the Islamic imperialism and its dark deeds that left several nations scarred, wounded and bleeding has to face a pushback from the Time Spirit. Especially because it has not yet learnt its lessons and still nurtures its imperialistic ambitions. Mandir-Masjid issue is merely a symptom that the average Hindu is beginning to assert its own identity. The BJP won because it rode on this wave of Time. It lost or was cut to size because it indulged in duplicity and ignored the demand of Time.
Of course this does not mean that there should be or would be a permanent division between these two communities that have fought, loved, hated, struggled, assimilated since Islam invaded India. Division and disunity is never a good thing. It means that the wound will never heal, the pain never cease, the conflict never end. But the time for it has not yet come since the community that has been the perpetrator of the crime has not yet realised it and hence does not feel the need of a real conciliation. It still believes in exclusivity. As long as Islam does not turn its gaze within or reflects upon its inherent faultlines that are inimical to world peace and a threat to world unity, it will be hit by the world around. I may add that the real threat to the world unity and peace is not Russia, Ukraine or Israel but hardcore fundamentalist Islam, expansionist communist China, and America with its Capitalistic ambitions.
Alok Da