Ask Alok da

We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask. 

This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

I feed birdsšŸ¦ almost every day in our backyard. I have bird seed and I also feed the stale bread, or roti. Lot of birds come and it is fun to watch them from the window. Lately I have noticed 3 crows coming and making lot of noise. I have put out some rice couple of times. I am not sure if they come to eat rice or they are coming for some other reason. I know thee is some importance in our culture attached to crows. Could you guide?

The crow symbolises practical intelligence. As birds they are very intelligent and sometimes can sometimes they get attached to human beings. They are also quite

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When I am alone I am able to think of Mother and Sri Aurobindo and keep my mind quiet, but when I talk to friends I can feel myself getting externalised. how can I keep thinking of Mother and Sri Aurobindo whilst talking to people? Also why do I get exhausted and get headaches šŸ˜©from just a little bit of talking to my friends?

The spiritual life, in the beginning, is like a small plant in the nursery that needs to be guarded and nurtured with special care. That

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We have a very strict sir, he scolds us at no reason, he once took my iPad, because it started with a notificationšŸ˜”. When we ask him a very logical question he shouts back at us saying why donā€™t you understand anything. And when we donā€™t ask a question he says why are you not involved in the class. In the exam he has given us a topic which he did not teach in class and it was hard. In the mock paper he should have given 35 mins but gave only 15 mins . He also had to check the pt papers within a week but gave in 2 weeks and 1 day. He also scolded us for not doing the homework but that only 4 people did not do out of 24 so why are the rest have to be scolded. What should we do?

You should learn from him how one should not behave as a grown up. And since you cannot change the teacher use it as an

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Some friends always expect you to be available for them, but when you need them, they are nowhere to be found. They dump their problems on you without even asking about yours. Conversations with them revolve entirely around their lives, and if you try to share something, they cut you off and steer the talk back to themselves. They take you for granted, disappearing for long periods only to show up out of the blue, expecting you to act as if everything is fine. One day, theyā€™re full of affection, and the next, they act like you donā€™t exist. How to deal with such peoplešŸ™„? Are they even worth calling friends?

True friends are indeed very rare like the pearl inside a shell. The sign of a true friend is that he or she loves you

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Many times I feel closeness with Sri Aurobindo naturally easier than with The Mother. Also I feel like putting my prayers to Him, remember Him, lovingly. Will Sri Aurobindo not like this? Because here Sri Aurobindo insisted to come through The Mother only? So He will not sanction my prayer directly given to Him? You have mentioned in your talks, he told his disciples to obey, love The Mother mainly, He didn’t like them coming to Him crossing Her. Asking this because I remember Sri Aurobindo šŸ˜‡very much and ask Him for help.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are far above likes and dislikes. Their words come from a source, the Source, if we like, that is way

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In certain people, especially in conditions labelled as ADHD or Tourette’s, there are frequent actions, impulsive words, random outbreaks of excitement and hyperactivity. In some cases, it visibly appears as if the person has no control, and it is like a pressure cooker which just has to burst. They themselves are shocked at the words which they spoke, actions etc. Why does this happen? To me, it seems like overactivity and uncontrolled vital impulse. But science accredits to involuntary and ‘uncontrollable’ movements and treats with medication. How do these two concepts collide, and how does one control it šŸ˜ž?

Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome are labels that highlight our ignorance by defining them. The cause of these rather modern diseases is not clearly known. It

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How to manage practicality and spiritual path…one says that Maa will take care…what about other necessities of life where one has to put efforts like financial freedom, family issues,and so on…If you offer anger to Maa that’s ok but sometime people take it oh how helpless and fool he or she is…How can one manage emotions smartlyšŸ™„?

If the Mother has to do everything then there is no need of sadhana or yoga or anything else. This is just what Sri Aurobindo

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I had asked you about why is it that I am having difficulty associating with, let us say, pictures of GodsšŸ˜‡, Vishnu on Naga or Shankar on Kailash mountain. As I am studying more and more about Life after Death and Souls, I am realizing more and more, that although souls or spirits are pure energy, there must be some system as what happens to soul after he leaves the body. Let me explain further.

Quite so. We can look at the soul as the individualisation of pure energy or pure consciousness and hence it is a drop of Truth

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Hanuman,Ā Ā Jamvant and the vanar sena. WeĀ Indian ‘s take these beings on faith buy for people of different faiths, how are these beings to be introduced so that they do not doubt their authenticity. And a few others too like Kak bhushundi, Garudha and a few others, if any. Please explain so that the foreigners are thoroughly convinced. I’m stuck at this point so as always do help me. It is a task theĀ Mother has given me as I was imploringĀ Her for some serviceĀ I could render šŸ™

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are called as itihasa or history. But the history these wonderful works describe are two critical moments during the collective

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I don’t know what should I do because these two thought of (1) “Aspiring for a full & fulfilling life so that I feel full and am truly open to give my attention and energy and true care to others – work towards this aspiration keeping it as a goal” and (2) “Accept current life as is and see the fullness in it” feel contradictory. Could you please help integrate this contradictionšŸ¤Ø?

Individual progress, in whatever direction, often comes at the expense of the shared social life around us unless those closely connected also have the same

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Today, I had a question. We all make mistakesšŸ˜Æ, usually driven by impulsesā€¦.May it be of sorrow, anger, jealousy, agony, in the root of all of which there is fearā€¦.It is easy ,in fact truly the easiest task to be driven by an impulse and make a mistake which may ruin several aspects of life,or leave a make which remains for long periods of time..Well is there any way to heal the harm you mistake has caused to everyone else and convey your corrected believes ,which are now free of the misbelieves caused by fears to everyone else, without having to wait for time to take charge and healā€¦

Beautiful questions, especially for your age. It shows a rare sensitivity that has the potential to blossom into a beautiful being. At the same time

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