In certain people, especially in conditions labelled as ADHD or Tourette’s, there are frequent actions, impulsive words, random outbreaks of excitement and hyperactivity. In some cases, it visibly appears as if the person has no control, and it is like a pressure cooker which just has to burst. They themselves are shocked at the words which they spoke, actions etc. Why does this happen? To me, it seems like overactivity and uncontrolled vital impulse. But science accredits to involuntary and ‘uncontrollable’ movements and treats with medication. How do these two concepts collide, and how does one control it 😞?

Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome are labels that highlight our ignorance by defining them. The cause of these rather modern diseases is not clearly known. It is quite possible that they may be connected to our modern ways of life especially the use of vaccines affecting the nervous system, or the changes in diet with use of all kinds of chemicals and vibrations. These illnesses occur more in certain strata of society.  There could be a number of causes which are never studied. 

The focal point affected in the nervous system leading to dyscontrol of the vital impulses that could be arising from the whole gamut of gadgets and electrical activity all around.  It could also be the rush and seizure of vital forces unleashed in our times like the genii in the bottle that possibly enter and take hold of susceptible children leading to disorders such as these.


Alok Da

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