My son who is about 11 have a problem if my husband hugs me or shows affection, he use to do it even as a toddler and we though it was a passing phase but he still does it and not just my husband who is a very gentle person never has he shown any aggressive actions towards me and yet our son does not like it, if anyone out of affection touches me he will scream, what to do Alok da 😅?

That is very sweet of him, possibly relating towards you with a protective brotherly or a possessive fatherly instinct. I am sure he will understand as he grows up and you can explain it as well especially with regard to his father whom he has to learn to see as a nourisher and nurturer, a fosteror and protector rather than a competitor. May be you ask your husband to spend more time with him to develop a friendly bond.


Alok Da

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