Where is the place of the Pitru Lok? Is it the Prana Lok or the Manomaya Lok? How long do the ancestors reside there? Do they remain in forms similar to how they were on the physical plane, related to their families? Is it possible for those who go later to attain liberation before the ancestors who have been there for a longer time🤔?

Pitru loka is located in the vital world. It contains three kinds of beings. Those who are beings proper to the domain and take care of the departed who are transiting through this domain. Secondly the souls of those who have just departed and have not yet shed their vital sheaths. Thirdly the left over sheaths  and fragments from the soul of the departed who has actually moved on. The vital sheath may be left behind which may at times be occupied by other beings and forces moving in the nether regions like one wearing left over clothes.and thereby mimicking the person. The sraddha and other ceremonies are done to dissolve these last two categories.

Most of the departed would pass to the Beyond (mental and psychic world) in a month or so and will not be accessible for contact. Some may linger little long either because of intense attachment to those left behind or because of a sudden early traumatic death especially suicide.  Others may pass quickly especially those full of faith in God. But generally it is difficult to linger here beyond a couple of years maximum.


Alok Da

Original question asked in Hindi: पितृ लोक का स्थान कहा है ।यह प्राणलोक या मनोमय लोक है क्या।यहाँ पितरों का निवास कब तक रहता है ।ये क्या परिवार से संबंधित होते हैं वहाँ ये भौतिक धरातल पर जैसे थे वैसे ही मिलते जुलते स्वरूप में रहते हैं क्या ।क्या ऐसा भी हो सकता है जो बाद में गये वे पहले से रह रहे पितरों से पहले मुक्त हो जाये?

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