What to tell a scientist 🧪🔬 questioning the existence of God?

My name is Benjamin Jovit
I am a graduate from Bellial College
All that is knowledge, I know it
All that I do not know is not knowledge.’

This limerick perfectly describes the attitude of the average scientist shut in his lab of formulas, theories and doctrines, arrogant in his ignorance. He has replaced God and seated his physical mind on the vacant throne. He has discredited the scriptures of religion but given us new scriptures and dogmas that all must believe in. C’mmon man, have a little humility, lest someone calls out your theories as the brilliant babble of billions of neurons firing randomly in a body and brain made of mud and doubt all that you still may value. Do you love? Please confirm it by the falsifiability test or ask Sir Carl Popper to device one to prove that you love? Do you feel joy and sorrow, peace and anger and a whole lot of subjective states that are very real and true to you, even if for the moment but not to others. So too God is very real to those who experience Him or Her or IT but not to others. That much conclusion is valid and logical. But to say a thing as God state and God experience doesn’t exist because you and your cohoots do not experience it or measure and test it is like someone challenging your love for your child because others don’t feel it and describe a child as simply flesh and nerves and blood to which you ignorantly attach a feeling and a name. But this will be stupid to say the least since the child you love is not just a material measurable reality but an ideation, emotional and if one may say so, a spiritual reality as well. You cannot see so because you have not tried to see so. It is evident from the fact that you do not know the jot of a difference between religion, religionism, religious Philosophy, religious experience, let alone spirituality that goes even beyond it. The only way to prove or disprove God is to take up the journey adviced in all sincerity, do the experiment fulfilling the conditions and then declare whether you glimpsed IT, found HIM or found nothing. But if you are not willing to do that then what is the difference between a believer and a non-believer? Both are shut in their self created criteria that are false because Reality is not one-dimensional but many layered, many tiered, many toned. The artist perceives IT differently than the scientist, a poet differently than the philosopher, a spiritual practitioner differently than the religionist. Yet all are experiencing the Same Thing. There are no two things but many ways of experiencing the One Thing. You have the right to believe in your perception but to practice cancel culture towards others is the scientific equivalent of a religious bigotry who decries all other faiths as heresy.

What really is the difference between the dogmatic narrow intolerant attitude of the material scientist and the equally dogmatic sectarian rigid religionist? Both have their scriptures, their methodology which they believe to be infallible. But at bottom both are a make-belief system based on certain self created assumptions. The scientist believes that matter is the sole reality and that everything in the universe must be studied in the same way as one studies physics, as if nothing else existed in this universe except matter and its laws.

So grow up Man, grow up and be a Man. For the greatest courage is in being humble and recognise that Truth is wider and greater than all formulas, religious and scientific. And if you have more courage then come out of the self created prison where you are shut up in the holy books of physics and try to explore Reality. It is far more fascinating and dangerous and delightful than your physics can calculate and capture or religion can imagine.


Alok Da

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