If you observe carefully you will see that in many countries there is a surge of Nationalist government. Deep behind it is the need of nations to find the national soul. Of course it is a long process and some nations may end up finding its vital being. This is what happened with Germany leading to a general apprehension against nationalist government labeling it as fascism etc. But sooner or later nations have to go through it. It is not so much about this or that President as it is about countering the centrifugal tendencies of liberal governments that are prematurely pushing towards the World State, a movement that will endanger diversity and lead to an amorphous civilisation that is likely to become directionless and collapse. It may not be proper to comment on this except that we should respect the verdict of the people in a democratically elected government. If the people have elected him despite all the maligning campaign, they surely see some kind of a hope in him, the hope that because he doesn’t care to be politically correct, he may end up actually doing the right thing regardless of public perception and popular opinion.
Alok Da