My in-laws have belief that I should not keep pictures of my deceased parents as my Whatsapp dp or as wallpaper. I am not sure about this belief, mean while I searched online and found a video of one baba saying about it hinders the soul passing away . I have kept my father childhood picture as my Whatsapp dp …will it hinder his soul or energy to go peacefully. What about all those pictures of late president and Gandhi Jj and prime ministers who are hanged in government offices and places of work. Are they all realised soul? I read we should keep pics of realized soul . This question might be feel stupid but I don’t know whom to ask 😪. I am still attached to my father so I feel like keeping his pictures. What’s your opinion on this? Kindly help.

What hinders the smooth transition is attachment, grief, crying etc. Deep affection, love,  wish and prayer to have a safe journey are helpful.  Of course all this is about the inner state. Putting a picture is of course not of much consequence for the departed though may be a way of remembrance and even deriving some support for those left behind.  Plenty of people do this and most Indian homes traditionally kept the picture of their departed parents in their Pooja room or on one of the walls in their house. I don’t see why it should be a problem. 


Alok Da

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