Sir, simplify my doubt about some terms. I understand to find the psychic being🌟 but psychic opening and psychic being in forefront, this term I don’t understand. Is it same to find the being, psychic opening and psychic forefront? What traditional yoga say about the psychic being and is to find the psychic being compulsory for other yoga?

Psychic being means our true inner self,  the soul within that develops into a distinct being through a number of lives. The soul is like the seed and the psychic being is like the fruit and flower that develops around it. 

But the journey from the soul in its seed state to the blossoming of the fruits and flowers (the psychic being) takes several years. In the case of psychic being the development takes several lives. Before that it is covered up by the veil of Ignorance.  This veil of Ignorance can be likened again to the tree. The trunk of the tree is like the body changing life after life, the branches are like desires spreading in different directions while the leaves are like the swarm of thoughts hiding and covering the fruit, that is the psychic being.  For a long time the tree is growing but the fruits are yet to come. So also we progress through a number of lives but are unaware of the psychic being within us. 

Psychic opening means that now we are able to feel the psychic being and aspire for the Divine Presence within.  Psychic coming to the forefront means that now the psychic being is no more hidden or visible with difficulty like a bud or unripe fruit and flower covered with leaves and branches. Instead it is beginning actively participate in our life, influencing our choices that were so far moved by desires and mental ideas. It begins to redefine our life and existence and become the true master of the house, the leader of our journey instead of the ignorant mind. 

This growing psychic influence is felt as an increasing aspiration for the Divine,  the thirst for Truth and Light and true Love, the weakening of the grip of desires and ignorance, the freedom from fear and grief and the sense of immortality.  Life grows sweet under the psychic influence due to the growth of devotion, true love and wisdom and compassion. Life blossoms and is filled with the fragrance of the Divine Presence and all begins to turn towards the Divine in a sacred seeking and glad surrender full of self giving.


Alok Da

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