Though they have not said anything directly about it but from a couple of letters it seems that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were not keen on people having too many children especially in an unconscious, animal like manner. They adviced self control and if they are unable to do so then birth control through sterilization or pills as a last resort. So I suppose they would not be against Abortion if bringing a child to birth would be only compounding the problems of both child well as the mother. The consideration would certainly not be based on any religious or moral rule but a higher and deeper vision as as the exigency of the situation.
As to the month, we can safely say that upto 3 months the embryo is still forming. So there should be no problem aborting. Even medically the safe period is mainly upto 3 months. The decision has to be based on practical considerations rather than upon the ensoulment of the body which anyways is very unlikely in the womb. The soul usually comes in active contact with the body around 7 years but more often during adolescence.
Each one has to therefore feel for oneself but certainly it is better to abort than to bring a child unconsciously into the world.
Alok Da