Does the Jivatma surrenders to the Divine or it is the Psychic that surrenders to the Divine. What is the difference in approach of shadana from the point of view of these 2 beings? Are both of them required for attaining the goal of Supramental transformation in Integral yoga🤔?

The psychic being entering the fields of ignorance and the central being that remains above the play of lower nature (Prakriti) are both two inseparable aspects of the one Jivatma, like the two identical birds, dwasuparna of the Mundaka Upanishad.  The Jivatma (whether as the central being or the psychic being) are always surrendered to the Divine. For the Integral yoga one has to discover the psychic being which is the key to all the rest.

The Immanent individual, Cosmic and the Transcendent Divine are three poises of the One Divine.  Their unity is discovered in the Supramental. But otherwise one realises either one or the other as if they are different and exclusive to each other leading to conflicting experiences and thereby mutually exclusive religions. Sri Krishna’s Viswaroopa is a summary glimpse of this triple experience. 

The Supreme is everywhere and in everything and can be realised anywhere and on any plane. However the experience of the Supreme by leaping from planes below the Overmind leaves a big gap between the Self and the World.  The secret can be resolved and integrated only in the Supramental. 

There is no absolute bar to surrender without realizing the separation between the Purusha and Prakriti.  Bhakta does not care about the separation but at some point he ends up realizing it by the Divine Grace. 


Alok Da

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