Following para is from the book Shakti & Shakta by Sir John Woodroffe, Page#418 & 419-Chapter XXI-Hindu Ritual: The Wave of Bliss🌊, citing Samaya Tantra, says: “By the worship of some Deva, liberation is with difficulty attained, and by the worship of others enjoyment is to be had, but in the case of the worshipper of the Mother, both enjoyment and liberation lie in the hollow of his hands.” But, unless prayed to, the Mother or Devī does not, give fruit, and naturally so. FOR THE DEVI IS MOVED TO ACTION THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF THE WORSHIPPER. ESSENTIALLY THE WORSHIPPER IS THE DEVĪ HERSELF, AND UNLESS SHE IN HER FORM AS THE WORSHIPPER IS MOVED, SHE IN HER ASPECT AS THE SUPREME LORD—“OUR LADY” DOES NOT MOVE. I am struggling to comprehend the above lines in capital letters. Request your kind guidance.

It means that All is the Divine Mother. The forms She has built by HER power of limiting Maya are Herself in disguise. The power that moves these forms as Prakriti is also HERSELF limited to the needs of the particular form. And finally the power that can release, liberate the limited finite consciousness (within the form) into its origin, that is infinity, the Shakti is also HERSELF. As long as we remain tied to the limits of the form and its nature we are in ignorance. But a time comes when SHE opens the door and helps us realise that we too are not separate from HER, but parts and parcel of HER being  portions of HERSELF. 


Alok Da

Your answer was limited to the few lines of the paragraph as requested by the gentlemen who asked this question. 

To add to this, it means that the One Divine Reality manifests itself in two aspects, the static and the dynamic.  Ishwara is the static aspect who is powerless without the Shakti. The Shakti is the Divine Mother. It is She who gives the power to the devas (as indeed to the whole creation) and hence is also called as devatmashakti. Each deva is therefore only a limited channel of Her infinite Power and Glory. Therefore She can grant all that all the devas together can give, – enjoyment of this and other worlds (bhoga) or liberation (moksha). But She gives it to those who worship HER since through worship we become ready to receive what She impelled by the truth within HER seeks to give. In fact even the power to worship and do sadhana comes from HER. It is only when SHE awakens us that we turn towards HER. It means in essence that She is drawing HER own power that has apparently separated and got limited in the form of the worshipper back into Herself, to become one with HER, so as to make the finite elements one with Her infinity.


Alok Da

Please elaborate the sentence “But She gives it to those who worship HER since through worship we become ready to receive what She impelled by the truth within HER seeks to give”.

The highlighted part means it is not our wishes, prayers, tapasya that can move us, – they can at best prepare, but Her Will impelled by the truth within Her, which knows our secret intent and the readiness to receive, that She gives what chooses to give. Worship opens us and prepares us to receive by creating a state of humility and devotion that is so helpful to receive what She will give. But the gift itself is decided by HER Will impelled by the truth within Her and no other outer consideration. 


Alok Da

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