That is a vast subject but the essence of it is to base the relationship not so much on the ego and selfishness but upon love that is self giving and mutual sacrifice and the joy of service. To this must be added deeper psychic qualities such as tender care, mutual affection, loyalty and fidelity, sympathy and kindness as well as mutual trust and respect. These things are not easy for human nature unless it is rooted in some deeper psychic and spiritual element. It becomes possible only if there is a strong sattwic element in nature and a high and common ideal and aspiration as well as affinity at different levels that increases mutual joy and keeps the relationship bonded. Since these are not common to human nature especially because most confuse love with vital attraction and seeking for pleasure, the best one can do is to be understanding of each other giving space and supporting each other to grow along their own unique lines and above all to create a happy, harmonious and peaceful atmosphere conducive to each other’s progress.
Alok Da