I am inquisitive about whether there’s any way widen the mental construction🤨? 

I was watching your video विशालता और नमनीयता PMH 24. The video ends abruptly without your talk getting finished however, you talked about mental construction in the video.

There are mechanical ways, psychological ways and spiritual ways to widen the consciousness.  Mechanical ways are to imagine or think of something wide such as the ocean or the galaxy, psychological ways are to read different views and then find the common element and the core behind them and thereby finding the higher synthetic thought that synthesises both by going to a third higher position.  Spiritual ways are to read scriptures that widen us such as the Gita, Savitri,  Prayers and Meditations as well as seeking the widest idea of the Divine such as this that, the Divine is in all, all is in the Divine and the Divine is all. 


Alok Da

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