First of all Draupadi never had any extramarital affair where one hides and lies one’s attraction towards another man or woman with the motive of having some pleasure.Ā But Draupadi was married, nothing was hidden from anyone and, the reason for marrying others was not to satisfy unfulfilled desires as she had not yet started on her marital journey.Ā There was no question of frustration or vital boredom and craving for something new which is what the people having romantic affair does. So even on the face of it his charges and logic is not based on any facts.Ā
One must understand the difference between a movement of the heart where genuine love may be born but one is bold enough to accept and acknowledge.Ā One does not hide and put up a facade and by doing so indulge in deceit and falsehood. One may then decide to suppress the feeling of love or else go ahead with everybody’s awareness.Ā On the other hand an extramarital affair is moved by passing passion and romantic sentiments that are hidden from the spouse and others. One simply indulges in hypocrisy and keeps a facade.
But Draupadi is fire. She is truthful and honest and sacrificing. Her marriage to the five brothers is a sacrifice to keep them together instead of creating division.Ā Her action is poles apart from frivolous and flirting men and women who generally indulge in extramarital affair.Ā
Alok Da