Why some people need to suffer 🥲for the mistakes of others? Is it because they suffer because they are good? How can we change this?

For example why I need to do hypocrisy to my sibling’s in laws when I know they are nasty people? Why I need to waste a day of serious work because someone abused his body and is in hospital? Why I need to put up with some of the family relatives because of my parents?

Well we suffer in such situations because of attachment with people linked to us through birth and circumstance. There is also somewhere a need for social conformity which often translates into social security.  

The way out is to stand firm on the ground of one’s ideal, at least keep it to a minimum, practice inner detachment from family and adopt a witness attitude and equanimity in these situations where one is compelled to be. Most importantly to keep remembering Her inwardly while one navigates through this world with misplaced values.


Alok Da

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