How can I develop unwavering faithšŸ˜•? Living away from Pondicherry, I donā€™t have access to a Motherā€™s center, and I have no communication with other devotees except through social media. This makes me feel very isolated on my spiritual journey

I can understand this genuine need. Perhaps it is one of the reasons why we see certain internet groups that have come up where one can share words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.Ā  If you wish I could put your whatsapp number (in case you share) into one of the groups.Ā 

At the same time you could start a little study circle at your place if there are some devotees or interested people around. 

It also helps if you travel to the Ashram here, in Pondicherry, and get recharged and return back to your place,  at least once a year. It helps in the blossoming of faith and devotion and in the growth of the psychic being. 


Alok Da

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