Whatever may have been its high origin in the Vedic age when Rishis and Rishikas came together for a greater purpose, marriage has become today, simply an institution to regulate the sexual act, maintain social order and to legalise birth of children. That is why the Time Spirit has broken it and we see today more and more children who do not feel the need to be married and prefer remaining friends or single. From the spiritual point of view it is certainly better than simply get caught in the web of attachment and adjustment. Love, true love, should be the basis of any relationship though here too an early marriage carries can become challenging if one of the partner evolves spiritually and discovers new and higher goals while the other partner does not. Of course if one is already married and has a child then perhaps adjustment is perhaps the least complicating option wherein the two stay together to bring up the child well but pursue each their own goal. But to start with the idea of adjustment is obviously not an ideal way for two people to live together for life.
Alok Da