I presume that you mean if others feel jealous because you are closer to someone? Well the way is to give each one their rightful due and place in the grand scheme of life. Life and destiny brings us in contact with a wide range of humanity and it is natural that one cannot be the same with all. One can look at it as an concentric circles of God where each of us are in different circles and accordingly come in contact with different people who are also moving in the same circle. But as we evolve and change the world of relationships is bound to change. This is especially so if we suddenly jump from one circle to another. The closer we go to the Divine Centre, the lesser people will remain close to us but the bonds will be truer and deeper. This constant shifting and churning is part of the evolutionary process. Hence things change. They are bound to change and one cannot do much about it. Yet there is a secret divine element in each one. It is with this that we should relate and appreciate. A general goodwill and helpfulness, respect for each one who has been brought in contact with us in the secret Providence of things all help build jealousy free relationship.
Jealousy comes with the desire for exclusiveness and the urge to possess more and more. They can only go with wideness and with the understanding that we cannot really possess anybody. What is important is not so much of outer time spent together but the quality, the degree of inner understanding. Very few understand this. In any case what helps is to give each person their due place based on the plane, the level at which we relate.
Alok Da