Suffering is a purifying ordeal. To somehow get rid of suffering including by ending life is as bad as a morbid attraction to suffering. Euthanasia is again part of the Western paradigm that believes in one life, – God or no God. But from the Sanatan Dharma point of view it is not a wise thing to cut the chord of life just because someone is suffering. Instead one should try to help by assisting the inner growth through this painful passage that has come to life as an ordeal. Crisis can become a means to facilitate inner change. And if one cannot do it then one can always help by showing tender love and care to make the days better.
Even when the body is weak and incapable the inner being is still there which can be focused upon. After all where is the limit once we open the doors to euthanasia or mercy killing as it is said. Someone may plead mercy killing simply due to old age or because there is a social or psychological or economic difficulty because ‘suffering’ is there too and perhaps more.
Alok Da