What is difference in psychic transformation and finding psychic being🌟? Is transformation will happen after find the being? Please elaborate this question.

Finding the psychic being means that we know our true self and no more make the mistake of identifying oneself with the mind, life, body and the surface egoistic personality. It means we are in a state of inner peace and joy, always full of faith, aspiration and surrender, full of love and devotion towards the Divine. The psychic being automatically turns us towards the Right and the Light, opens us to Truth, Beauty, Love and Bliss of the Divine. 

Psychic transformation means that there is a change of our inner consciousness and nature opening the mind to the Divine Truth, the heart to the Divine Sweetness and Love, life to the Divine Force and Joy, the body to the law of Divine Harmony and Strength. When complete it prepares the nature for receiving and expressing the forces of higher spiritual and Supramental consciousness. 


Alok Da

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