I live in Germany for work, and at times when I am on the surface mind or outer consciousness, I feel a collective force (something that has some momentum) that’s fueled by rage. It is some kind of vital energy, especially I see teenagers becoming instruments of such things. I have come across people who encourage others to channel this rage and anger because they call it sacred rage. I don’t see it as sacred at all, I think it arises because people here don’t listen fully and they engage on a partial level with everything in their lives. Is this what you call wokeism? Even learned people here encourage such acts. Especially, I am tired of the feminist ideas here and the feminist here are some of the most questionable people I have ever met (there is no real understanding but a fueled drive based on some ideas). Aren’t these the distorted old energies😨? Can these destructive behaviors actually establish harmony? Or, is there a misunderstanding from my side? It seems in the history of Europe, wars have always preceded the collective change. Is this the only way for real change? Can’t we grow organically to live a truthful, harmonious and a divine life? Can’t we take the road of a sapphire tale? Doesn’t this mean a lack of sincerity in us somewhere? Why are we so short-sighted? I had tried to engage with people on this before, but it bears no fruition. How to protect ourselves from such things that are prevalent in the environmental consciousness?

Asked by 35 year young Lady

Your intuitive feeling is quite right. Europe is going through a great turmoil and if one may say so a slow degeneration of whatever values it once stood for.  It is partly due to the cycle of Time that has changed. Sri Aurobindo foresaw it and almost prophesied about the decline of Europe and the rise of Asia, especially India.  Wokeism is simply a tool for its destruction. It is destroying everything from faith and reason to whatever sense of individual or group identity man could hold on to.  Of course this destruction will eventually prepare for a new creation but for the moment it is a sun that is setting fast giving way to a black night.  

As to the feminist movement its biggest paradox is the spirit of imitation. Instead of a woman discovering her own innate strength,  Shakti,  she is made to believe that the sign of progress lies in adopting all the vices to which men are prone. 

Yet persons like you are and aught to be living lamps of light, ambassaders of Light. The responsibility is even more in a way. It means to stand firm and be an example of what it means to live freely in a simple and truthful and sincere way. In a world where most human beings are running almost exclusively after money and material comforts, the best thing to do is to show by personal example that it is possible to live by high and noble values and aspirations.  Perhaps those around you may not understand initially but in the end people respect you for your integrity.  

Most importantly carry on with your inner progress which is best possible in relative solitude.  Spend more time with yourself, read beautiful things and use this opportunity of being away to spend time in contemplation and seeking the purpose of life.


Alok Da

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