What should be the aim of life then? To be happy😊 and better?

The aim is something personal and each one should look into oneself, study and carefully observe one’s temperament, interests and tendencies to see the lead and pointers of nature.

Happiness is a vague word. A minimum of happiness is always given to us as a background stream nourishing our life. What is important is to see what gives and augments our happiness. But here the rub and danger lies. Since the joy of life is everywhere one can find it in the most diverse things including the outrightly perverse. The source of happiness is therefore important, especially whether one is feeling drawn towards degrading oneself in pursuit of happiness or one is upgrading one’s life and the happiness. The choice therefore is in leading a life that is one of constant progress or a life looking for various comfort zones and pleasures. Progress leads to bettering oneself whereas pleasures and comfort zones make us stuck in small pools of a limited happiness that soon turns stale.

So we can safely say that generally speaking should be progress but the nature and means of this progress would vary with capacity and temperament. That is what one has to study and find out. And if one cannot, then pick up any line of progress or a door of possibilities opening before oneself and as one walks further and grows conscious one will discover what is it that one is here for. That purpose planted within us, by the Creator so to say, is the aim uniquely our own and it has to be discovered by and by as one moves through life. Until one discovers it, life remains a drifting boat even though it may seem anchored in fixed routine or limited standard beliefs.


Alok Da

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