Can you please explain, The Mother’s Mahasaraswati aspect😇?

Mahasaraswati: The goddess of learning and perfection 

There are four main goddesses, four powers and aspects of the One Divine Mother, that work upon our earthly life to build it into an image of the Divine. Each has her own specific work.

Maheshwari lays down the large lines of knowledge that operate as wisdom in each element of creation. Mahakali provides the dynamic force and the impetus. Mahalakshmi joins the different threads of creation weaving it into a harmonious tapestry of beauty and love. Mahasaraswati fills all the missing dots building perfection in each and every detail. 

Therefore is she the goddess of detailed knowledge and learning and arts and crafts and music and science and technology. Her Veena sets the rhythms of creation and the swan sets the soul free from every bondage so that it can fly to the heights linking our matetrial world to the higher spiritual. 

Youngest of the four she comes in the end and labours the most patiently persevering until each element in itself and in its relation to the whole is shaped into a perfect vessel for the Divine delight to pour into it. The age of kali (the Iron Age) which we are leaving behind is the age of Mahasaraswati and whoever gave an eye to the details of material perfection was blessed with success and progress. Being the goddess of creativity it is natural that her day is celebrated with the setting in of spring. Sri Aurobindo describes her thus.

‘Kind, smiling, close and helpful, not easily turned away or discouraged, insistent even after repeated failure, her hand sustains our every step on condition that we are single in our will and straightforward and sincere; for a double mind she will not tolerate and her revealing irony is merciless to drama and histrionics and self-deceit and pretence. A mother to our wants, a friend in our difficulties, a persistent and tranquil counsellor and mentor, chasing away with her radiant smile the clouds of gloom and fretfulness and depression, reminding always of the ever-present help, pointing to the eternal sunshine, she is firm, quiet and persevering in the deep and continuous urge that drives us towards the integrality of the higher nature.’

Let us, on this day of Mahasaraswati become conscious in our dealing with matetrial aspects.of creation and strive for perfection in everything. This is the best way to worship her, to treat every object consciously for the Divine dwells as much in the small details as in the vastnesses of creation, as much in the smallest of atoms as in the drift of the galaxies and the stars.


Alok Da

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