In the Ramcharitmanas Tulsidas makes Rama say “sanmukh hohi jeeva mohi jabahi janam koti agha naasahi tabahi” (As soon as a soul is face to face with me, the sins of crores of births are destroyed). Isn’t this true for the first contact with the presence at the Samadhi too 😊?

Well, everything is possible if the soul invokes the highest Grace by the intensity of its faith and / or aspiration. However it may not be right to turn it into a fixed invariable rule for everyone and all times.

Even in the verse above it means that when the jiva (or the soul or the psychic being) is before the Divine (recognising the Divine in the Avatar) then he is freed from all sins and errors of the past. It means one sees with the psychic vision and not simply with our ordinary human vision of the average person. This psychic vision penetrates behind the appearances and beholds the Divine within. It is the same truth described in the Gita in the verse on the Param drstva. The actual experience is described by the Mother in Her prayers and meditations soon after seeing Sri Aurobindo.

‘It is as though I were stripped of my entire past, of its errors as well as its conquests, as though all that has vanished and made room for a new-born child whose whole existence is yet to be lived, who has no Karma, no experience to learn from, but no error either which has to be set right.’

Another place She says regarding Sri Aurobindo’s birthday,August 15, 1959

‘…And now, today, I am writing you again because it is the day of great amnesties, the day when all past errors are effaced…’

So while in principle it is true that there are special moments and special states during an unprecedented action of the highest Grace takes place and changes destiny. But it may not be right to turn this into an invariable rule.


Alok Da

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