How to make bad dreams 🤯 not come back?

The best way is to think of the Divine Mother being always with you and go to sleep thinking you are in Her lap always safe. 

Keep a blessing packet of the Mother below your pillow and a picture of Her by your side.

Develop the habit of calling the Mother Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa whenever fear enters.

When wrong suggestions come, tell yourself that you are the Mother’s child and no harm can come to you. 

Learn to relax before you sleep. Avoid sleeping on a heavy stomach or in an excited agitated state. Think of or read a beautiful story or hear some soothing music while you sleep. 

Lots of love,

Alok Da

Follow up question:

But it is very hard to do, now what? 

We should not be afraid of doing the hard things. By doing hard things we progress. Easy path leads us nowhere. As the saying goes, ‘when the going is tough, the tough get going’ and if a difficulty persists we should persist more than the difficulty. 

Lots of Love

Alok Da

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