Ye shrishti kisne banayi aur kyun? Why was this world 🌎 was made?

In making anything for the first time, we require these four things to happen. 

There must be someone who can create, has the potential to create.

First there must be the urge to make or create. 

Second there must be the inspiration or intuition or the knowledge to create.

Third there must be the power to create.

Finally there must be the instruments and equipments created first to execute.

Thus whatever is made becomes an extension of the person who makes. This applies in everything from writing a book, to making a car and, to a large extent in creation as well. 

When we apply it to creation we can say that there must be something or someone that has the potential to create. This is the Supreme Divine or SAT.

Then the urge and the Knowledge and the powervmust arise within. This is the Divine Mother., SHAKTI OR CHIT-TAPAS

The forces that would execute are the gods, goddesses.

Finally the equipment is created by Maya or Prakriti out of herself. 

As to why, the reason is the same as for anything that is created. First of all it is to manifest the inherent delight that finds expression through creation just a poet writes a poetry to express what is within him. This is ANANDA.

Therefore the word used for the Creator in Sanatan Dharma is SACCHIDANANDA.


Alok Da

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