How can one discover their psychic being🌟? Is it necessary to come to the Ashram for this? How can one be sure they have found it? What are the signs to know it?

The discovery of the psychic being requires a great degree of persistence and perseverance. It is akin to discovering the parasmani whose touch changes our life forever turning it for good towards God and Light and Beauty and Truth. The discovery itself fills us with a profound universal love for the Divine in every creature, a love full of sweetness and warmth that does not depend upon any outer conditions. It also gives us the solid bedrock of unwavering faith in the Divine Grace and the urge to serve the Divine and progress in alignment to the Divine Will in us. A state of constant inner peace, contentment, felicity and quietude of mind follows opening the doors to infinity with the result of direct, spontaneous intuitive knowledge flowing to us from every side. Along with this memories of past lives can emerge and the consciousness eventually begins to grow vast and universal to accommodate the influx of Knowledge, Love and Bliss from the vastnesses Beyond. New faculties such as of inspiration and revelation may open up, though this is usually after the higher spiritual realms open up to the seeker. A spontaneous discernment between the true and the false begins to replace logical analysis and the seeker gets more and more drenched and drowned in God-love that spills over and radiates changing all life around. There is as a result of the psychic emergence a spontaneous opening of the subtle inner centres (the chakras) yielding their energies to the Divine and His service. Life feels a luminous joy, heart experiences a universal sympathy and compassion as well as gratitude towards the Divine, the mind becomes wide and plastic freed from narrow conventions and, even the body experiences health, harmony and fitness.

All these results do not come all at once. But once the door is opened they develop over time until the psychic being joins with the central being above and knows its mission and the work it is here to do. 

The most important single factor in this discovery is to want it, to aspire for the Divine wholeheartedly and sincerely, to remember this goal like a guiding light in all we do, think and feel. It is greatly facilitated if one remains inwardly concentrated upon the Divine Presence in the heart (centre of the chest anywhere) and speak, act, work from there. Love, devotion, surrender expedite the discovery whereas doubts, self love, strong egoism and running after desires delays the process. Calling the Mother’s Name in the heart and turning life into Her service and worship is the constant companion in this journey. 
One does not need to be in the Ashram or be initiated by someone to discover the psychic being. A sincere seeking is enough. As the aspiration and the sincerity grow, one feels supported by the inner Divine Presence, help comes when needed, difficulties get conquered and the road begins to open more and more. 


Alok Da

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