What is the meaning of true individuality, and what is the difference between being rude or mean and having an ego? Are these three concepts connected, and if so, how🤔?

True individuality is the psychic being. But before it is developed nature erects a temporary individuality that is the self of ego and desire that we ignorantly call as ourself. It is like the temporary structure built on a plot where a house is being constructed. 

This ego individuality itself develops through three stages indicating how far the psychic being within is developed. The tamasic ego is crude and refuses to change. It is bound within narrow boundaries of self interest. The rajasic ego is busy expanding its empire through a freer play of desires and ambitions. When one is governed by these two forms or two stages of the ego development, one is generally mean which amounts to thinking only of one’s little benefits and interests. The higher rajasic ego begins to think of and accommodate others if they serve one’s interest. Rudeness can be found in both and has generally to do with speech and behavior which is done without any consideration of and often hurtful to others. It is a sign of certain kind of insensitivity towards the feelings of others. Both these defects get modified as the sattwic principle and the sattwic ego begins to dominate and govern. But the true individuality is discovered only when we get past these three masks and discover the psychic being which is always turned towards Truth and Beauty and Good and expresses the divine movements in a refined way through speech and actions. 


Alok Da

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